Arjun singh shiksha mahavidyala is located in Ambah, Arjun singh shiksha mahavidyala is managed by Education Society. who has brilliant track record of success in all the fields, he has ventured. He has achieved many landmarks in promotion of education centers.

Arjun singh shiksha mahavidyala is recognized with the variety of course structures designed for the students with the mission of nation building and personal upliftment of students in a world class setting. The course structure is designed to encourage the students to think and explore beyond the limits to enable them to take up the upcoming challenges and turn them up into opportunities. The available course structure extends educational opportunities to those who will make our Madhya Pradesh, our nation, and world a better place to live and work in.

Arjun singh shiksha mahavidyala is a top and well-known college in India .It provides top quality training with equivalent importance on theory and and practical training. Professors of college are highly qualified, competent, skilled and experienced. College campus is well-resourced and has an efficient infrastructure which includes spacious classrooms, educational technology laboratory, psychology laboratory, science laboratory, seminar hall, multipurpose hall, common rooms, canteen, Wi-Fi campus, bus facility and a spacious ground. The library of Arjun singh shiksha mahavidyala has more than thousands of titles & three thousands of books, reference books and journals that cover the B.Ed syllabus. College has separate 24 hour secured girls and boys hostel. Arjun singh shiksha mahavidyala is going to be hallmark and a pioneer for its infrastructural facilities provided by any college in Madhya Pradesh.

College is affiliated to .